All products are designed and manufactured with the aim of saving energy and improving our relationship with the environment. This commitment extends throughout the production process, packaging, administration and thinking. Right now the BSV is a vertical electronic equipment production unit entirely made in Spain.
PRo 70-70-100-150
Professional disinfection system with salt electrolysis for medium size pools
Professional Sodium Hypochlorite Production Systems in-line with the method of salt electrolysis. It offers savings of consumables up to 60% compared to any other conventional method of disinfection. Professional systems are designed to minimize the frequency and duration of maintenance. Choosing the right system requires a lot of information from the installer (users / day, installation hours, water volume, pool surface, filter characteristics, etc.) but at the same time ensures complete replacement of the conventional method even during shock treatment. The above can be summarized in an empirical rule for the dimensioning of the system: 1.5 Nacl / m3 four-hour recirculation provided that the filters have a bed height of at least 80cm and a speed of max 40m3 / h / m2.